Please support our April 50/50 Raffles!

Just click on the photo to jump to the list of current raffles. Look for Haverhill Elite to make your Raffle donation and chance to win 50% of the proceeds!

Support our Youth

If you would like to help the athletes, please click the DONATE button!

Any donation helps our program. Click on the DONATE button to see what levels of donation can be used to also market your organization or company to our families!

Our newest fundraiser is a Spring Fund-a-thon to help grow the program and raise funds for equipment, mats, reduced cost of uniforms and more!


  • Jan 2020 -It started out as a team for all middle schools to come together and compete as one competitive program.

  • 2020 Classes began to be offered to support our athletes

  • 2021 We offered clinics and more teams for our newest friends and supporters

  • In a short time (while in restrictions) we have been able to offer over 80 youth athletes a program to be part of to safely and tumble, stunt and cheer!

  • 2022-We brought 4 teams to Nationals and started a Fall Sideline Cheer Team to support our local Youth Football League- JR HILLIES

  • Fall 2022-we needed a new home and the YMCA offered a partnership to our program to host our competitive teams through a collaboration called North Shore Elite Cheer! We are offering 7 competitive teams (5 Full Year and 2 Half Year)!

  • Fall 2023-We began a formal scholarship program to our HEC members to apply for help with tuition, fees, uniforms and gear! Help us by donating!

  • What will 2023 bring?

Instilling the Love of CHEER in

kids ages 4-18!